About Me

Thanks for checking out my blog! My name is Jacob. I’m currently enrolled at Ashford University in the BSIT program. I’m writing this blog as part of an assignment, and it’s also something I’ve wanted to do. I currently work for T-Mobile. I genuinely enjoy my job. I spend my days making sure that my customers can stay in touch with their loved ones. I particularly find the process of troubleshooting mobile devices fascinating. I love when a customer brings me something that isn’t working correctly, and I’m able to fix the device for them.

T-Mobile takes excellent care of its employees. They are paying for me to go return to school. I entered college way back in 2004 but because of life was unable to complete my degree. Now, with T-Mobile’s help, I’m a little over a year away from graduating. I’m also working through online courses to teach myself programming languages. The reason I chose an IT degree is that I’ve always loved working with technology. My love started in high school where we were given hands-on experience with different areas such as programming, networking, and troubleshooting. I’ve always been the guy that friends and family would come to if they needed help with their computers. I feel I have a natural understanding of how computers work. My dream is to find a job working in the cyber security industry. I look forward to being the guy that helps protect customer information from the attacks of nefarious no good doers! 

Anyways, that’s me! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!

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